Potty training can be a challenging time for both mother and child. Bunny Bumpkin has pulled together this guide from various reliable resources on the subject to help. We have also included some products to help with the process. Just click on the pictures for more product information.
When to start
Every child is different and it is important not to try to force them before they are ready.
Generally speaking most children are ready to start between 18 and 24 months.
It is always easier to start in the summer as there are less clothes to take off when they need to go and you can let them run around in the garden without a nappy on.(Don’t forget the sun screen)
Your child will give you clues that they are ready such as telling you that they have had a wee in their nappy or if you are lucky, telling you before they want to go.
How to start
Always have a potty in sight in the main rooms the child uses.
It is good to let the child see older children and even yourself using the toilet (which you may refer to as the big potty)
Leave the nappy off at times of the day that they usually go. (as long as this doesn’t distress them. If it does then leave it a few more weeks and try again)
If you see them weeing, put them on the potty even if it is too late so they get the association. Do this with a minimum of fuss or they may become anxious about going to the toilet.
You will often have to clean up the mess when it doesn’t work out. Do this without complaint but cheerfully point out that it is better to use the potty.
Give them praise when they use the potty. Using the potty should be a fun and rewarding experience. This Safety First rewards potty available from Bunny Bumpkin is a great idea. It gives encouraging phrases and songs, guides them through the steps of using the potty and then dispenses stickers when they are successful. Avoid using sweets as rewards.
Prepare for travel.
Putting a nappy back on your child when you are travelling will confuse them. Keep a travel potty in the car .This Babyway travel potty is also available from Bunny Bumpkin.
As they get the hang of the potty it will not be long before they want to start using the big toilet like mummy, daddy and siblings. They may ask to do this. Using the toilet is a lot more convenient for you, particularly with number twos.
Invest in a toilet trainer seat. This Little Wonder training seat can be used for travel also as it folds up.
Although most children learn night time bladder control between the ages of three and five, it is estimated that a quarter of three-year-olds and one in six five-year-olds wet the bed. If bedwetting persists beyond 6 or 7 then it is worth consulting the doctor to check there is no underlying medical condition.
Encourage your child to go to toilet before going to bed.
Do not punish the child for wetting the bed. They are unaware that they are doing it. Making them anxious about it will just make it worse.
Bunny Bumpkin is an online retailer providing everything a mum needs for pregnancy, nursing and the childs early years. Subscribe to Bunny Bumpkins newsletter at www.bunnybumpkin.com
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